I spent Saturday and Sunday at Cannon Beach in a rented house with the Viva Scrivas on retreat. Lest you think it was all cocktails and bon bons and Scrabble, let me tell you a little story…
Saturday was the kind of day that happens once or twice a year on the north Oregon coast. 75 degrees. Clear sky. No wind. A day for bikinis. Seriously!
And we worked, wrote our fingers to the bone. When I paid our bill at the rental office, the woman said, “I saw you all working away yesterday. How did you do it? The day was too nice for work.”
How did we do it? One word at a time… Some of us are on deadline (yikes). Others making good use of the time away from demanding jobs and small children. Another getting back to writing after a long absence.
Our group tries to get away 2-3 times a year for writing binges followed by those aforementioned cocktails and bonbons. It’s a great way to be together and make major accelerations in our writing progress. I wrote nearly 5,000 words to give me nearly 45,000 words written in my newest novel. I’m into the last 1/3 and let me tell you… IT FEELS GREAT!