It’s Caldecott season. Chris Raschka won the medal for A BALL FOR DAISY. I loved his acceptance speech in the most recent Horn Book. Actually, the awards issue of that mag is my favorite one because you get an inside peek into the minds of incredibly creative people AND the super talented (also creative) people that helped them make the book happen. It’s a great reminder of how diverse the creative process is and how many hands/minds/hearts it takes to make a great book.
All this Caldecott talk made me think of one of my favorites: MIRETTE ON THE HIGH WIRE by Emily Arnold McCully. It’s one of those books that I never get tired of reading. And every time I read it, such emotion rises in me that I stumble over the words. The beauty and depth of the feeling behind those words catch in my throat. I want to “be” in those stunning paintings with my feet on the wire, walking through space, reaching out a hand to pull another through.
Read it.
You’ll be glad you did.