It’s been nearly three weeks since I turned my manuscript into my editor. Honestly, I still feel very unsettled. Creatively, I’m tapped out. No projects are jumping up and down waiting to be loved on. I don’t want to read the paper or books or watch TV or movies or even have serious conversations. I don’t want to do anything that requires much mental effort.
Under normal working circumstances, I think I lead a balanced artistic life. I’m enough in tune with my own rhythms to know that when I’m “on,” I put my shoulder to it and usually accomplish a great deal. I also know that when I’m not in the flow of the work, it’s better for me to stop, go running, do something else. I trust the ebb and flow of my productivity. Listening to what I need and responding appropriately always leads to good, solid work.
Deadlines completely screwed with that plan. Instead of stepping back, I pushed through. Instead of taking a break, I plowed forward. And that’s fine. Books need to get finished on time, and I can do just about anything for six weeks. However, I’m coming to realize how depleted I am.
I was talking about this with another writer friend, and she asked if I was doing morning pages a la Julia Cameron. No, I wasn’t. The thought of writing three pages a day made me a little squirmy, but when my friend left, I pulled out my tattered copy of The Artist’s Way and started reading from the beginning. In addition to morning pages, Cameron recommends a weekly date with your inner artist. She suggests going by yourself to some place or activity to fills you with fun or inspiration. For Cameron, this is a way to “fill the creative well.”
Just the answer I was looking for. It’s time to focus on filling the well.
… and doing morning pages!

I just read this book for the first time. Lots of people recommend it! I was thinking of trying out some of her exercises, at least, even if I don’t commit to the full program. I do like the “artist date” idea, since I find it particularly hard to allow myself to relax in that way. (Probably means I need it more than ever…)
It is amazing how easy it is to feel guilty about doing something like going to a gallery or the botanical gardens.
Oh. That sounds wonderful. But I will have to plow on for, what, the next ten months or so?
Teri, I’m hoping that you have a secret potion to keep the well full for the next ten months. Otherwise it is going to take a helluva lot of pedicures to get it back! You can do it, Baby!