You know those writers–the ones who finish drafts in six weeks, who revise in a week, who pump out three books a year. I’m betting that you also know the other ones–writers on the ten year plan.
I am not those writers. And I am on deadline. I want to revise faster, but what I want is irrelevant. I write as fast as I write. I revise much more slowly. No amount of goal-setting or chocolate-bribing or self-flagellation gets me moving faster.
Over the years I have become a smarter, more efficient writer and that does speed my output a bit. But it’s time to face facts. I write like I hike–steadily, strongly, and at a medium pace.
This picture shows me having fun. Yes, I’m spending seven days in the wilderness. Yes, I alternate between carrying that behemoth of a pack and paddling across lakes. Yes, I’m carrying half my body weight.
I’m always the last one across the portage. And that’s okay. Because I get there. I go strong for a long time. And–in case you forgot–I carry half my body weight.
Find your pace. Respect it. Ignore the fast ones. Send chocolate to the slow.
Au large!