This now is it.
Your deepest need and desire is satisfied by this moment’s energy here in your hand.
I know I’ve written about the marvelous book FLOW by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi before, but as I sit here on Sunday morning, dazed by sleep-deprivation thanks to a daughter’s sleepover gone wrong, this quote by Rumi is bouncing in my brain.
I know flow–the state of being so focused and absorbed in an activity that everything else fades away. I have known it while writing (best thing ever) and kneading bread dough and being in my garden and while running and while braiding my daughter’s hair…
I’m good at hard work and I’m good at focus. What I suck at is contentment. The part of flow that eludes me is accepting all the things that circumnavigate my life. Many things–all out of my control–slam against my consciously constructed life.
This morning, I remind myself THIS NOW IS IT and slip into the flow (yawning).

Preparing to slip into the flow of my life: snow skiing, yoga, hot tub, in that order. Ahhhh…….
Perhaps some slight editing to the comment “what I suck at” is in order. Maybe “what I continue to struggle with” instead? Be gentle with yourself! Especially when you’re sleep deprived! I’m sure Rumi would agree. Wouldn’t he? Sending you hugs.